Speaking of Narnia...
I'm not sure if you guys have had a discussion on the Chronicles of Narnia yet... If not, here are my comments on The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.
ASIDE: I saw the movie this past weekend and I really enjoyed it. Debbie's right - WATCHING Santa hand out weapons was a little strange (for some reason reading about it seemed normal... ??) but I guess only in Narnia :).
After watching the movie, and even after having read the book, my initial reaction to Edmund's behaviour was always "What's wrong with this boy?? He's so disobedient and selfish!! The rest of the kids are so well-behaved." But after SEEING his character in the movie, it became apparent to me that sometimes, I am exactly like Edmund. Sometimes, I am selfish and I end up hurting people, sometimes I do only what I want and I think that everyone else is wrong. Or I do or say things that I know will upset someone else and I don't really think or care about it. I follow my own ways, and all it ends up doing is getting me into trouble. But eventually, I come around (or most of the time anyway) and I realize how I have wronged people in my life. I ask for their forgiveness and I hope that they will have grace and mercy enough to let it go and put it in the past. I like how Aslan says in the movie (and perhaps in the book) something along the lines of, "What's happened in the past cannot be changed. There is no need to talk to Edmund about what's past." This is how God forgives us isn't it? He forgives AND He forgets. Even though as humans we struggle with forgiving others and not just that but forgetting about it, it's comforting to know that God loves us enough to be able to do that with us.
I hope you guys enjoy the movie :) Heads up - stay in your seats while the credits roll!! Some people missed part of the REAL ending ;)